Monday, April 26, 2010


This one is a special post since it's not about me, my friend or even anyone, but it's for an element that we are living in, the once-beautiful earth. It's been quite a long time since our mother earth enjoyed herself, living in the green just before we were sent down here. I've known a knowledge in the Christian, saying that every single human in this world will own Seven different sins; Envy, Wrath, Greed, Gluttony, Lust, Sloth and Pride. And due to this sins, we have brought terrible effects to the third party, the mother earth.

Yesterday's evening, there has been some sort of a ceremony to celebrate this Earth Day in the school that I'm living in. I know nothing about it. However, due to my respect to my mother earth and my father time, I'm writing this post in the middle of the morning just to remind all of us that we are borrowing the future from our grandchildren. The world that they are going to live in the future depends greatly on the world that we shape today onwards. Two days ago I've received words telling me about an earthquake in north of Mississippi, US and lately, we've received  a lot of news regarding to natural disasters that happened in many corners of the world.

Have you ever wondered what you will feel like if you know that your house will be engulfed by a huge tsunami two hours from now? I believe majority will run away but disasters hit without warning. I praised those organizations, academicians or even personals who put an effort in ensuring that this old world will survive even a minute longer. Thank you very much for your deeds and hard works.

I'm happy to hear any comments or criticism from you.
Until then,
Luqman (Earth Day Celebration)


Haziq said...

Is the Earth Day is the day of earth's birth?

Luqman Safwan C.M Fauzi said...

I believe not..
It's just some kind of a rhetoric made by us when we see the earth is dying...
But I believe it's better having an earth day than doing nothing.