Have you ever heard when people told you that you're a jinx. If you ask me, Hey Luq, what's a jinx? A jinx is a person who people claimed to have or possessed bad luck. I think i'm one of those. Just a few days ago, i involved myself in an accident. Yesterday was different. I went to the Bazaar nearby to meet my friends, i noticed that my motorbike was acting a little bit weird. I try to accelerate yet it just won't go. On my way back to my house, oh my god, you'll never know the hell that i'm in. At the vicinity of the Bazaar, my bike broke. I panicked as my home is still quite a distance away from my exact location. I checked my bike multiple times but nothing seemed to be wrong. Then, i took a glance at the fuel meter.....haha...i laughed alone. It was empty!

I started to figure alternatives to solve the problem that befall me. Who would think not to be punked when you're having an unmoving bike in the middle of the road!? I swore and cursed a lot. Even the Bangladeshi people that were looking at me from the side of the road, yeah..i cursed them too. I don't know why. Hahaha...why did this happened to me..There's an idiom, Bad Thing Always Happened To Good People. Now i knew that it's so true. I pushed my bike along the the right side of the road, en route to a nearby Petronas station. Then i remembered about the last few posts that i've put in the blog. I said to myself, 'See..now you need the help of the Petronas, sebelum ni tau kutuk je Petronas.' I've never knew that Petronas station can ask for an indirect revenge. Spooky Petronas...huhu..

Why must every time you're in an extraordinary situation, you will feel like you're being seen like a criminal? yeah..every one looked at me like i'm a criminal. I felt like i'm living at the center the world where attractions gather. No one did pitied me though. At last, boom..in front of me, the heaven of oil. Petronas station. When i arrived, the Kakak in charge said, 'Ok dik, rehat dulu..'. Then i quoted myself, 'Eishh...macam tau tau je kak ni.' Maybe there are still dozens of people back then that have the same situation like me and seek for help at the Petronas station.
Moral of the story? Nah..you know it yourself.
hahaha, ironic gile!!
bukan ironic..kesian..haha
ha3.. mg mmg g2 dr dulu,sengal je mmnjg..
2 r,naek moto bkn nak check lu minyak ad k x,ha3..
ni maen naek je,ha3
nway,cian gok.. :(
mad khaz: tau pun...ala..mg jatuh moto dpan org pompuan...same je..
haha..lawak seh..check minyak dlu sblom naik motor lain kali..ak yg x reti naek motor ni pon tau..haha
atee: haha...betul2..confirm pas ni tak jdi dah..ni la sbb x bace doa dulu..
hehehhehe..aku memang selalu luck tak baik..asyik abis minyak tengah jalan..sebab yakin sangat
nice story
apz: serious?nasib sama la..btul2..overconfident mnyak cukup..haha
apsal tak cek minyak dulu.. haha...
hziq: lupe..
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